Lumbardhi, a public space for everyone

Today is finalized the initiative "Lumbardhi, a public space for everyone" conceived by participants of the School of Urban Activism within the project "Reclaiming the City". This initiative aims to contribute to the substantial enrichment of Kino Lumbardhi's common spaces through the open library, information posters about Lumbardhi's history and the addition of green spaces. These components will help Kino Lumbardhi's common space be more suitable for use by all community groups, especially young people.
The idea for creating an open library was provided during Module 1 of the School of Urban Activism, held in the months of April - May of this year, during which young participants of the school had the opportunity to be trained in the principles of urban activism. Among other things, this initiative was designed to have an open call for the citizens to donate books for this library, to select the design elements in the spaces Lumbardhit and select the informative posters. Read press release.