“Green Talk” with the youth of Gračanica

EC Ma Ndryshe, in collaboration with the non-governmental organization CSD, organized a "Green Talk" in Gračanica, continuing the series of debates with the youth aimed at promoting environmental issues and encouraging discussion among students and representatives of local government.
The event was attended by the Director of Planning, Urbanism and Environmental Protection in the Municipality of Gračanica, Ms. Aleksandra Djekic, as well as students and teachers from the primary school "Kral Milutin".
Initially, the activities of EC on environmental protection and human rights were presented to the participants and furthermore the Director presented the work done and the plans of the municipality regarding these two topics.
Additionally, the participating students and teachers presented the environmental protection activities they had carried out, and had the opportunity to ask questions and express their concerns and requests to Ms. Djekic.
The discussion among the participants touched on various environmental problems that exist in the municipality of Gračanica, such as illegal dumps, the lack of waste separation and their disposal in one place, other problems related to excessive use of plastic, and various investments in energy efficiency such as solar panels.
These activities serve the youth to present their challenges and requests to responsible officials and at the same time offer institutions the opportunity to fulfill these requests.