“Face-off” Debate– (Non) Public Procurement?

On September 30th in Prizren, Transparency Forum held the sixth “Face-off” debate with the topic “(Non)public procurement?”, a topic on which gave their input Isa Osmankaj, Head of Procurement Office in Prizren and Osman Hajdari, member of the Policy and Finance Committee of the Municipal Assembly of Prizren. The panellists faced with members of the Transparency Forum and representatives of opposition political parties in Prizren, while the debate was facilitated by Fisnik Minci, journalist.
Initially, the debate focused on the issue of public procurement in the Municipality of Prizren. Especially on the manner of public procurement procedures, tendering of subjects, the level of expertise of the evaluation committees, adherence to the provisions of the Law on Procurement, coordination of the Procurement Office with other institutions as well as the issues of pricing and failure to implement recommendations of the Auditor General , independence of the Procurement Office and its officials, non-transparency and total closing off of the evaluation committees, failure of regular reporting, problems in the preliminary planning, the findings of the Auditor General and non-adherence to the OAG’s recommendations as well as maintaining of public money, the trend of the announcement of tenders just before election campaigns