The International Day of People with Disabilities

The International Day of People with Disabilities, which is marked on December 3, aims to promote the rights and well-being of People with Disabilities in all spheres of society and development, as well as to raise awareness of the position of people with disabilities limited in all aspects of political, social, economic and cultural life.
OPDMK together with EC Ma Ndryshe have marked this day with an advocacy activity for the need to implement the legislation in force dedicated to people with disabilities with the aim of full and unimpeded inclusion in society.
Through the public performance, the need to respect the rights of People with Disabilities has been expressed so that they can participate fully, equally and effectively in society, respectively to eliminate all existing barriers.
The latest EU report on Kosovo found that PWDs are among the most discriminated in society, as they lack physical access to infrastructure, quality education, adequate health and social care, as well as employment opportunities, meanwhile a part of the legislation is not even applied.
Therefore, in this public performance, OPDMK and EC, through the hours set at 5 to 12 and the alarm, have conveyed the message to the local and central authorities that it is time to act concretely in respect of the rights of PWDs. On this occasion, signs with messages against discrimination and for equality and full access were unveiled.
In addition to the concern about the non-implementation of some laws and regulations, OPMDK has once again addressed the concern that local authorities have not provided a suitable office for this organization that deals with activities dedicated to PWDs for 11 years.