Culture remains a priority unobserved by the Municipality of Prizren

Transparency Forum today organized a debate in the Face-off series of debates, which discussed treatment of the culture by the Municipality of Prizren. To juxtapose views with members of the Transparency Forum, panellists of this debate were Lulzim KABASHI, deputy mayor of Prizren and Urim Ukimeri, coordinator for culture in the Municipality of Prizren. Todays debate revealed once again the extremely low interest of Prizren Municipality for treating culture as a priority in its local policies.
The major issue of Prizren culture remains the manner of allocation of the municipal budget, where capital projects continue to take on the major share. Support provided to cultural events continues to be addressed under the subsidies and allocated with the logic of humanitarian aid towards culture. One of the topics that draw greater attention during the discussion was the Zambaku i Prizrenit song festival around which possibilities and suggestions were brought forth for its rescue from further degradation.