The Network of Culture Organization in Prizren (RrOK Prizren) is an informal network of cultural organizations in the Prizren municipality. The mission of this network is to achieve a developed local economy in Prizren through the enrichment and development of tourism, based on the increase of the quality and the number of cultural activities. EC Ma Ndryshe coordinates the Networks Secretariat in collaboration with other member organizations and is involved in a structured dialogue with Prizrens local government to foster the development of local cultural policies.
Along with its efforts in local cultural policies, EC Ma Ndryshe is one of the founders of the Cultural Forum (The Network of Independent Culture Organizations of Kosova), promoting cultural policies at the central level. The Cultural Forum advocates for Kosovas National Cultural Strategy as a guiding document for the development of cultural policies.
EC Ma Ndryshe is a member and one of the founders of the regional network on cultural heritage South East European Heritage Network (SEE Heritage Network). Members of this network are the most prominent organizations of the Balkan countries operating in the field of cultural heritage. EC Ma Ndryshe cooperates with a large number of regional organizations through the work of the Network.
EC Ma Ndryshe is also the founder of the Cultural Heritage Forum of Prizren, where all cultural organizations and institutions of Prizren are represented. The Forum has established a cooperation platform not only among NGOs in the city, but also between the civil society sector and government institutions by serving as an effective tool for addressing sensitive matters of the city.
Furthermore, EC Ma Ndryshe is a member of Civikos Platform, the largest network of non-governmental organizations that are committed to the dialogue between the civil society sector and the government.